: Gallery
Making puppets, by Miss Atkinson
Maths - Place Value, by Mrs Parker
Spot the mistake, by Miss Cooke
Matching Numicon to shapes, by Miss Shallcross
3T Christmas celebrations, by Mr Tebb
Christmas in 4J, by Mrs Jones
Christmas in R2, by Miss Atkinson
Christmas Week in 1P, by Mrs Parker
1C's Christmas Party, by Miss Cooke
Carol service, by Mrs Harvey
Year 6 Christmas Extravaganza!, by Mr White
Christmas week in 2M!, by Miss Marr
Christmas week in R1!, by Miss Shallcross
3D shape patterns, by Miss Cooke
Carol Service Dress Rehearsal, by Mr Bevan
Designing Mars Rovers to collect rock samples., by Mrs Harvey
Christmas Party, by Mr Bevan
Christmas dinner, by Mr Bevan
Christmas week in 2W!, by Miss Wortley
Year 1 Nativity, by Miss Cooke
Artists!, by Miss Marr
Making gingerbread!, by Miss Shallcross
Choir - Wilmslow Library, by Mrs Jones
Computing - Lego, by Mr Bevan
Year 6 Science - Investigating Lung Capacity, by Mr White