: Gallery
4Z Computing, by Miss Zwanepoel
4Z Science, by Miss Zwanepoel
Bog Baby illustrations inspired by Gwen Millward, by Miss Wortley
Polar places, by Miss Cooke
4Z PE, by Miss Zwanepoel
Class 4J- PSHE, by Mrs Jones
Year 4-Maths, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Science, by Mrs Jones
We are animators!, by Miss Wortley
PE - Beanbags, by Mr Jenkins
Keeping clean!, by Miss Wortley
Detective writing, by Miss Cooke
English- Seen and Not Heard by Katie May Green, by Miss Manfredi
Historians in the making!, by Miss Manfredi
Swift Playgrounds, by Mr White
Planting our own beanstalks!, by Miss Shallcross
Life on Earth - Creating a Timeline, by Mr White
Music-Using instruments in R1, by Mrs Cook
Class 4J- Lego Programming, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Writing, by Mrs Jones
Year 4 -Roman Numerals, by Mrs Jones
First week of Spring term in 2M, by Miss Marr
English - Drama, by Mr Bevan
And the trophy for the most active class goes to...., by Miss Wortley
English: Researching Charles Darwin, by Mr Burke