5B 2024 - 2025
Mr Bevan
Welcome to the Class 5B web page.
We will use this page to host photo galleries of what the children have been up to in school.
We will be using this dojo as the main method of communication with you throughout the school year. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to message me via dojo messages.
In order to embed our expectations in terms of home learning and homework, we would appreciate your support with the following:
-The children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes per day five times per week. We ask that a parent or guardian signs the journal to acknowledge that reading has taken place at least three times per week.
- We will be continuing use Times Table Rock Stars this year as a strong times table knowledge is essential for children to master the Year 5 Maths curriculum. We expect that children are logging in three times per week for at least five minutes. Please let us know if there are any log in issues.
-We will be sending two pieces of homework home each Friday. This work is due to be handed in on the following Tuesday. If there are any issues with the homework please don't hesitate to contact me.
-A new list of spellings will be sent home each Monday. Spelling tests will take place on the following Monday. Although we work on the spellings in school, children need to be practicing at home so that they can make good progress.
Depending on our timetable PE lessons will be taking place at different times during the week. It is therefore essential that PE kits are in school all week from Monday to Friday. The children will have brass band on Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument to school every Wednesday once it has been issues.
Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Many Thanks,
Mr Bevan
Files to Download
5B: News items
Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins
Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins
Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins
5B: Gallery items
Smokebusters and gamechangers workshops, by Mr Bevan
Choir Christmas Tour 2024, by Mrs Jones
Christmas Carol Service, by Mr Bevan