Legal Right of Appeal
If you have been unsuccessful with your application for a place at Lacey Green Primary Academy you have a legal right of appeal to an independent appeals panel to challenge this decision. The decisions of appeals panels are binding on school governing bodies. Please note that the Admission Appeal Panel is independent and impartial from the Academy.
Apart from some very limited exceptions, no infant class may contain more than 30 pupils being taught by a single school teacher. Any admissions which would increase an infant class to more than 30 pupils to one school teacher would result in a breach of Infant Class Size Legislation (see below) and would require ‘qualifying measures’ to be taken to comply with this legislation.
Timetable for Appeals
Here are the deadlines for hearing different types of appeals:
Deadline for hearing appeal | ||||
Applications made in the normal admissions round (Recpetion) |
Applications for in-year admissions | Within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged |
Appeal Hearings (In-Year Applications)
If you have been unsuccessful with your application, you do have a legal right of appeal to an independent panel to challenge this decision. To appeal, you must complete an appeal application form, which must be submitted to the admission authority within 20 school days from the date of this notification. The admission authority for this school is the Academy’s governing body. An appeal form, which includes information about the appeals process is available in the downloads section below or from the Academy Office or by telephone to 01625 525157.
Appeal Hearings (For Reception intake 2025)
Admission appeals should be addressed to:
- The Clerk to the Admissions Appeals Panel, Lacey Green Primary Academy, Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 4DP.
- The deadline for admission appeal applications is: 14th May 2025
- On time appeals will be heard by: 19th July 2025
- Decision letters will be sent within five school days of the hearing wherever possible
For late applications processed after the published offer date, these will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appeals for admission for Reception class in September will be heard together where possible. Late appeal applications will not be held before scheduled appeals even where this exceeds the 30 school day limit.
Infant Class Size Legislation (ICSL)
This is very important: When considering applications for infant classes, i.e. where the majority of children are aged seven or younger, the law requires that no more than 30 pupils are taught by a single school teacher. Therefore, further admissions will only be agreed in very exceptional circumstances. Further information can be found in the document below.