Children express themselves by producing creative works of art and here at Lacey Green, we take great pride in displaying our amazing work around the school.
Lacey Green follows the National Curriculum as a basis for planning. You can download our 7-year curriculum overview at the bottom of this page.
In EYFS and Key Stage One, children are taught by their class teacher, whereas in Key Stage Two, pupils are taught by Mrs Chapman, our Specialist Art Teacher. The lessons cover all aspects of the National Curriculum focusing on an inspirational artist every term or half-term.
The pupils research different artists and learn about their artwork and document this using their sketchbooks. In the Autumn Term, Key Stage One look the Primary Colours through Pop Art. Next, children explore a variety of drawing techniques and use different types of media. This includes junk modelling and still-life drawing. Pupils in Key Stage One research different artists including Henri Matisse, Andy Goldsworthy and Andy Warhol.
In Key Stage Two, children produce an art journal. The journals are a visual, and sometimes verbal record of their thoughts, ideas and research. In the Autumn Term, pupils explore the colour theory, building on their previous knowledge. They learn about warm vs cool colours and complementary colours. A variety of imaginable style, media and technique is used to help them in their work. The pupils also produce fantastic pieces using clay and the Batik style.