
Considering Lacey Green Primary Academy for your child?

Parents/Carers are welcome to visit the school prior to applying for a place. Our website has a virtual tour of the school under the heading ’School Tour’ and you can find lots of examples of the activities the children do throughout the year on the ‘Class’ pages.

TOURS: If you would like a tour of the school, please telephone the school office 01625 525157 to arrange an appointment.

Reception Class Admissions

The application process for school places begins each year in September and closes the following year in January. For admission to primary school, admission authorities are required to provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday.

Applications for Lacey Green Primary Academy have to be made directly to Cheshire East Borough Council - admissions are no longer dealt with by school itself. Cheshire East residents will be able to apply online via the Council's website.  Information Booklets, with applications included, will be available on request by contacting the Council. (Click Here)

Admission Arrangements for publicly funded academies must comply with the School Admissions Code


The deadline for applying for starting in September 2025 is 15th January 2025


Delaying Admission to the Reception Class

When considering admission into the Reception class for the first time in September following your child’s fourth birthday i.e. into the chronological peer group, you may feel that your child is not ready to start school. If you are a parent of a summer born child, your son or daughter will not reach statutory school age for almost a full school year after the point at which they could first be admitted to school.  If you are considering delaying admission until the following academic year rather than applying for admission to your child’s chronological peer group, you will need to discuss this with the schools that you are thinking of applying to. Your views will be fully considered and you will receive advice from the school to help you decide on the best course of action before a decision is taken by the relevant admission authority. You will also need to discuss your intentions with your home local authority in order that arrangements can be made to include your child in the relevant school admission application round, if this is agreed. This is to ensure that you do not miss out on important information about applying for school places. For non-statutory guidance, published by the Department for Education (DfE), about summer born children, please visit the DfE website (Click Here) If the admission authority agrees to your request to delay admission until the following year, this does not guarantee a place in the Reception class at that school. The decision on the application for Reception, which will need to be made through the normal admission round, will be based on the published admission arrangements as for all applications. Therefore you need to be made aware that an application for an oversubscribed school could be unsuccessful, even though the application for delayed entry is supported by the admission authority.


Allocation of places for September 2025

Offers are made on: 16th April 2025 (National Offer Day in line with the Schools Admissions Code 2021)


My application has been unsuccessful – What can I do?

If your application is not successful, you will be notified by the LA that we are unable to offer you a place due to over subscription and of your legal right of appeal against the decision by the school. If you want to appeal against the decision, you will need to complete an appeal form which is available from our website and must be returned to Lacey Green Primary Academy. You are strongly advised to seek a place at an alternative school in case your appeal is unsuccessful. Securing a place at an alternative school will not prejudice your right of appeal for Lacey Green Primary Academy.  Information about the appeals process is available in the School Admissions Appeals Code available from the Department for Education. An appeals form can be found on our appeals section. (Click Here) Completed appeals forms must be returned to the Academy and not to the Local Authority. If you do not wish to appeal or if your appeal has been unsuccessful you can request that your name is added to the Academy’s waiting list.


Waiting Lists

Any child / children on the waiting list are ranked in line with our over subscription criteria (see our Admission Policy). As in our oversubscription criteria, looked after children and those allocated a place at the school in accordance with the Fair Access Protocol, will take precedence over those on the waiting list.

Waiting lists will be held by the academy in criteria order (based on the school’s oversubscription criteria) and not on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and will include children whose parents have specifically requested in writing (including e-mail) to the LA Admissions that they be placed on the waiting list, along with those for whom an appeal application has been received and new applicants. Waiting lists will normally be held up until the end of the Autumn Term 2024.

Click below to link to the Cheshire East Admissions website (Click Here)


In Year Admissions

We are our own admissions authority, however we follow the Cheshire East Council arrangements for In Year admissions. All applications must go through the Cheshire East Admissions Process. 

Please contact the Academy directly to find out if spaces are available or (click here) to access the Cheshire East In Year admission website.


Other pages linked to this area on our website:

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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