R2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Trasler

Welcome to R2's Class Homepage!

The EYFS Team are looking forward to the year ahead watching the children make new friends, soak up lots of new learning and having lots of fun along the way! We will be providing a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences to enhance the children's learning and bring as much learning to life as possible through trips, visitors, books and interactive lessons.

Each half term I will post the curriculum overview so you can see what learning will take place as the topics change each half term and how you can support at home.

Our topic in Spring 2 is 'Dinosuars'. Throughout this topic we will be learning about...

  • Dinosaurs
  • Fossils
  • What hatches from eggs
  • Different occupations such as palaeontologists, police officers, librarians and vets
  • Non-Fiction books all about dinosaurs, fossils, life cycles and the world around us
  • Fictional books such as Dino Duckling, Owl Babies, After the Fall and other high quality stories
  • All about Easter and Holi
  • Signs of Spring

We will be having lots of discussions about our family and friends, sharing our own interests, exploring the different things that make us unique, and thinking about differences between ourselves and others around the world.

During Spring 2 we will also celebrate World Book Day, Comic Relief and take part in a whole school DT week with a focus on boats. 

If you would like to add to our learning please feel welcome to send in photos via your child's Dojo portfolio or a physical book or piece of work in your child's book bag. And if you ever have any questions about our learning please get in touch via Dojo.  

Please check back for our Gallery Items throughout the year where we will post regularly about your child's learning. 
I look forward to working with you and please always reach out via Dojo if you have any questions, concerns or worries. 

Thank you 

Miss Trasler / Miss Budd


Key Information...

PE day - Monday 

Libary Day - Friday (Please return your child's library book on this day) 

Homework - Sent home on a Friday and to be returned on a Wednesday

Phonics videos - Sent home via Dojo message on a Friday (Can be watched when convenient) 


The EYFS Team this year is made up of...

Class Teachers: Miss Rowark (R1) and Mrs Trasler & Miss Budd (R2)

Teaching Assistants & Reading Teachers: Mrs Cross, Miss Haig, Miss Harnley, Ms C Moldovan, Miss Cresswell,  Mrs Preist and Mrs Chapman

Files to Download

R2: News items

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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