The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all children develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of:-
- Biology (Plants, Animals including Humans, Seasonal Changes, Living Things and their Habitats and Evolution and Inheritance);
- Chemistry (Properties and Changes of Everyday Materials, Rocks and States of Matter); and
- Physics (Seasonal Changes, Light, Forces and Magnetism, Sound, Electricity and Earth and Space),
We expect all of our children to develop the skills and knowledge to observe, experiment and interpret the world around them by cultivating a range of transferable skills. By working scientifically, the children will observe changes over time, classify and group, identify comparative and fair testing, seek patterns and research using primary and secondary sources. To bolster the children’s scientific skills, we encourage enquiry and provide children with regular experiences of analysing data and effectively communicating their findings.
How Science is taught at Lacey Green Primary Academy:
- Our lessons are built around the National Curriculum, which teachers use as the starting point for their lesson using the Ark+ Curriculum scheme of work.
- We then incorporate the ‘working scientifically’ element throughout the topics to offer a rich variety of investigations and experiences as well as KS2 having an additional ‘working scientifically’ unit at the end of the year.
- We are focusing on making links between science and real life experiences and jobs.
- Lastly, to support the above, the use of outdoor learning space, extra-curricular activities and visits from and to respected scientific institutions are used.
We have a Lacey Green Science Newsletter which is published once every term. The newletters contain any useful dates of upcoming science events, your child's next science unit, fantastic examples of work the children have been doing in school as well as some fun and exciting experiments to have a go at at home! Please find the current newsletters below.
7 Year Overview
Our 7 Year Curriculum Overview closely follows the Ark+ Curriculum scheme of work. We ensure all key Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary are covered over the 7 years from EYFS to Year 6. Our curriculum is progressive and carefully planned to ensure maximum learning takes placed and is remembered.