: Gallery
Choir - Wilmslow Garden Centre, by Mrs Jones
Library, by Miss Atkinson
1P English - writing instructions, by Mrs Parker
Writing instructions, by Miss Cooke
We are DJs!, by Miss Shallcross
NSPCC visit Year 6W, by Mr White
Year 6 NSPCC, by Mr Burke
Class 4J- English - Classifying information, by Mrs Jones
Choir- Christingle, by Mrs Jones
1P Geography - Ariel view, by Mrs Parker
Christingle Service - R2, 1C and 2W, by Miss Cooke
Christingle Service, by Mrs Parker
D&T week, by Mr Tebb
Year 6 Filming an advert, by Mr Burke
Aerial view, by Miss Cooke
Class 4J- Features of a report, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Writing, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Electricity, by Mrs Jones
4Z African masks and dance, by Miss Zwanepoel
4Z Developing badminton skills, by Miss Zwanepoel
4Z Computing, by Miss Zwanepoel
A classroom full of Space!, by Miss Atkinson
6W - We are Advertisers, by Mr White
Space, by Miss Shallcross
Cubed numbers, by Mr Bevan