: Gallery

Planting Sunflowers, by Miss Shallcross

Bikeability, by Mr Bevan

Observational Art, by Miss Wortley

RE week in 3M, by Miss Manfredi

Mystery Reader, by Miss Shallcross

Observational Art, by Miss Marr

RE Week, by Mrs Parker

Powder paint and colour mixing, by Miss Shallcross

Year 4 Maths - Fractions, by Mrs Jones

Year 1C R.E. week, by Miss Cooke

DT Week, by Mr Jenkins

Evaluating our DT games- 3M, by Miss Manfredi

Computing - Ciphers, by Mr Bevan

DT Week part 2, by Mr Bevan

Final DT products- 3M, by Miss Manfredi

4Z join the debate team, by Miss Zwanepoel

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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