Final DT products- 3M
Lesson: Design and technology
Here are our final DT static electricity products that the children have been designing and making this week.
The children have learnt many new skills this week. They have researched the famous inventor Thomas Edison, had a go at trying out some static electricity games that have already been invented, designed their own static electricity game. They have also made their own new static electricity game and evaluated it to as set criteria.We had a fantastic week and the children thoroughly enjoyed their project. We are now ready to showcase our DT work to the rest of the school this week!
Files to Download
IMG_1235.JPG IMG_1236.JPG IMG_1237.JPG IMG_1238.JPG IMG_1239.JPG IMG_1240.JPG IMG_1241.JPG IMG_1242.JPG IMG_1243.JPG IMG_1244.JPG IMG_1245.JPG IMG_1246.JPG IMG_1247.JPG IMG_1248.JPG IMG_1249.JPG IMG_1250.JPG IMG_1252.JPG IMG_1253.JPG IMG_1254.JPG IMG_1255.JPG IMG_1256.JPG IMG_1258.JPG IMG_1259.JPG IMG_1260.JPG IMG_1261.JPG IMG_1262.JPG IMG_1263.JPG IMG_1264.JPG IMG_1268.JPG IMG_1269.JPG IMG_1270.JPG IMG_1271.JPG IMG_1272.JPG IMG_1273.JPG IMG_1274.JPG IMG_1275.JPG IMG_1276.JPG IMG_1277.JPG IMG_1278.JPG IMG_1279.JPG IMG_1280.JPG IMG_1281.JPG IMG_1282.JPG IMG_1283.JPG IMG_1284.JPG IMG_1285.JPG IMG_1286.JPG IMG_1287.JPG IMG_1288.JPG IMG_1289.JPG IMG_1290.JPG IMG_1292.JPG IMG_1293.JPG IMG_1294.JPG