: Gallery
3Z explore Kennings, by Miss Zwanepoel
3.10.23 Materials, by Miss Roberts
Autumn and Harvest Investigating, by Mrs Trasler
5.10.23 National Poetry Day, by Miss Roberts
World Poetry Day, by Mr Bevan
We love the library!, by Miss Edwards
Which materials can change shape?, by Mrs Fesmer
Displays in 6W - Reading and Personal Development, by Mr White
Floor Robots, by Miss Lawden
Year 6 Science - Reflection and Refraction of Light, by Mr White
6B: Computing, by Mr Burke
Year 1 Floor Robots, by Mrs Griffin
School Parliament Vote, by Mr Bevan
Planting in EYFS, by Miss Rowark
Class 4J - Proudly Presenting, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - School Parliament Presentations, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Dual Language Library Books, by Mrs Jones
The Hole, by Mrs Trasler
6B: School Council Election, by Mr Burke
6B: Personal Development, by Mr Burke
School Parliament, by Mrs Harvey
Rounding, by Mrs Harvey
Hockey, by Miss Edwards
Our Five Senses, by Mrs Trasler
Our Senses, by Miss Rowark