: Gallery
28.9.23 PE - Dance, by Miss Roberts
28.9.23 Absorbency, by Miss Roberts
Bronze Age, by Mr Tebb
Bronze Age, by Mr Tebb
Science investigation!, by Miss Lawden
Class 2R Land art, by Mrs Cook
Class 2F Land art, by Mrs Cook
Skeletons in Year 3, by Miss Zwanepoel
4J - Teeth investigation, by Mrs Cook
Class 4J- Writing, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Steps to Read, by Mrs Jones
Year 4 Maths- Place Value, by Mrs Jones
A very productive week!, by Miss Rowark
PE in R1, by Miss Rowark
Fine Motor Skills, by Mrs Trasler
Matching and Sorting, by Mrs Trasler
PE, by Mr Tebb
21.9.23 A River, by Miss Roberts
21.9.23 The Great Fire of London, by Miss Roberts
The Great Fire of London!, by Mrs Fesmer
Construction Play in EYFS, by Miss Rowark
Sorting in Maths, by Miss Rowark
Teeth, by Mrs Harvey
Year 6W - Computing - Coding an Algorithm, by Mr White
The Whale, by Mrs Harvey