Our Gallery
Number time fun, by Miss Hall
Key Stage 1 Disco! , by Miss Humphreys
Sound investigation, by Mr Austin
Shadow investigation, by Mr Austin
Class photo, by Mr Austin
Our amazing 1S Story Sticks, by Mr Shaw
Using Numicon - Class 1S, by Mr Shaw
Story sticks , by Miss Humphreys
Maths in 1H- Using numicon, by Miss Humphreys
Little Red Riding Hoods, by Mr Myers
CLASS 4J- Enjoying Learning, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Sound Survey, by Mrs Jones
Class R1 Busy Busy Busy, by Miss Hall
Enjoying music with our Chinese visitors, by Mrs Snowball
CHINESE VISITORS-Wider Opps Music, by Mrs Jones
Eager readers, by Mrs Busen
Searching for Autumn, by Mrs Busen
Lacey Lab and Super Secret Scientists, by Mr Myers
Beautiful Books, by Mr Myers
1H on the iPads, by Miss Humphreys
Lacey Laboratory , by Mrs Oldfield
Year Six - getting to know Reception, by Mrs Snowball
Year 6 welcome our new Reception children, by Mrs Snowball
Co-operation in 1S, by Mrs Snowball
Co-operating in class 3H, by Mrs Snowball