: Gallery

Year 2 Science Investigation, by Miss Humphreys

Making Remembrance Day posters, by Miss Humphreys

Stuart family tree, by Mr Austin

4W Family Trees (cont), by Mr White

We Are Family!, by Mr White

Hockey in Year 4, by Mr White

Stay and play, by Miss Hall

Blast off!, by Miss Hall

Family trees, by Mr Austin

Craft club Year 6, by Mrs Snowball

Fun in the new playground, by Mrs Snowball

Firework Art, by Miss Gregory

Symmetry, by Mr Austin

Adventure playground, by Mr Austin

Writing at Lacey Green, by Mrs Snowball

Thankfulness Writing, by Miss Gregory

5M Display, by Mr Muirhead

Scarily fun measuring in maths!, by Miss Humphreys

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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