: Gallery

Hats off to 4W!, by Mr White

Party time!, by Miss Humphreys

Festive fun in 2H, by Miss Humphreys

Recorder assembly, by Mr Austin

Last day of term, by Mr Austin

Hat competition, by Mr Austin

Christmas decorations, by Mr Austin

Party Hats!, by Mrs Rodrigues

3D shapes, by Mr Austin

Card craft, by Mrs Snowball

Christmas Party!, by Miss Gregory

1G Christmas Hats, by Miss Gregory

Christmas party fun!, by Mr Shaw

Christmas time fun in R1, by Miss Hall

Muzuzahs, by Mr Austin

Christmas cards!, by Mrs Megram

Blast Off!, by Mrs Megram

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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