: Gallery
Hats off to 4W!, by Mr White
'Tis the season to be jolly, by Mr Myers
Party time!, by Miss Humphreys
Festive fun in 2H, by Miss Humphreys
Recorder assembly, by Mr Austin
Last day of term, by Mr Austin
Hat competition, by Mr Austin
Christmas decorations, by Mr Austin
Tim Peake blasts off to the International Spacestation, by Mrs Rodrigues
Party Hats!, by Mrs Rodrigues
3D shapes, by Mr Austin
Well done to our Netball team!, by Mrs Sym
Hats, hats and more hats!!!, by Mrs Sym
Year 4 Recorder Performance, by Mr White
Card craft, by Mrs Snowball
Christmas Party!, by Miss Gregory
1G Christmas Hats, by Miss Gregory
Christmas party fun!, by Mr Shaw
Class 1SC's Christmas hats., by Mr Shaw
The pen friend letters have arrived! (finally!) , by Mrs Webb
Year 5 get all creative in French!, by Mrs Webb
Christmas time fun in R1, by Miss Hall
Muzuzahs, by Mr Austin
Christmas cards!, by Mrs Megram
Blast Off!, by Mrs Megram