: Gallery
Fairy Tales in EYFS, by Miss Hall
Adding three numbers! , by Miss Hargreaves
Adding 3 Numbers!, by Miss Wortley
Grandad’s Island , by Miss Wortley
Money!, by Miss Aldous
Choir Tour 2018, by Mr Shaw
Making salt dough in 1H, by Miss Hargreaves
Christmas Dinner in KS1 , by Miss Hargreaves
Christmas Party!, by Miss Aldous
Year 6 at the Christmas party , by Mrs O'Reilly
Christmas Fun in 1W! , by Miss Wortley
Infant Christmas Dinner , by Miss Hall
Santa visits R2 , by Miss Hall
Father Christmas visits Year 1... , by Miss Hargreaves
Year 3 and 4 Christmas performance, by Mr Myers
Father Christmas Visits R1, by Miss Hall
Year Six Christmas craft stall, by Mrs O'Reilly
EYFS and KS1 Christmas Party , by Miss Hall
Elf on the Shelf , by Miss Hall
Year 5 Carol Service 2018-St Bartholomews, by Mrs Jones
Christmas Festivities in After School Club!, by Miss Rowark
Year 6 graffiti art, by Mrs O'Reilly
KS1 Nativity ‘The Sleepy Stargazer’, by Miss Aldous
‘It’s a Party’ production in EYFS , by Miss Hall