: Gallery

Valentine’s Art , by Mrs Rodrigues

Telling the time, by Miss Aldous

The Queen’s Hat , by Miss Hall

Year 3W - Fossils, by Mr White

Grouping and sharing, by Mr Bevan

Making Fossils, by Mr Bevan

Maasai Tribe, by Mr Allaby

Balancing in different ways, by Miss Rowark

Mavellous Maasai!, by Miss Aldous

Graffiti Art, by Mrs Megram

French in 6O, by Mrs O'Reilly

Gymnastics, by Mrs Rodrigues

Multiplication fun!, by Mrs Rodrigues

When the Giant Stirred..., by Mrs Rodrigues

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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