: Gallery

Bravery Awards Speech, by Mr White

Class 4J - Music, by Mrs Jones

Health and Fitness, by Mrs Harvey

Steel Band, by Mrs Harvey

Smell experiment, by Miss Cooke

1S iPads, by Miss Shallcross

Class 4J- English, by Mrs Jones

Science experiment, by Miss Cooke

Matching and Sorting in R1, by Mrs Trasler

Sorting and grouping in R2, by Miss Rowark

5BU Election, by Mr Burke

Rolling and Balancing, by Miss Johnson

Year 1 French, by Miss Shallcross

6W MSP Elections, by Mr White

Balancing and rolling, by Miss Aldous

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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