: Gallery

R2 are making bread, by Miss Rowark

The Creation Story, by Miss Shallcross

R1 and the hens, by Mrs Trasler

Place Value, by Miss McDonald

Digital Literacy, by Miss McDonald

Hockey, by Miss McDonald

English, by Miss McDonald

Taking turns, by Miss Shallcross

6W - New Class Novel, by Mr White

Harvest Festival, by Mr White

Class 4J - Music, by Mrs Jones

Taste testing, by Miss Shallcross

Ten frames, by Miss Cooke

Day of the Dead, by Mr Allaby

Material Monsters!, by Miss Johnson

Materials Monster, by Miss Aldous

Muffle that sound, by Mr Allaby

Hockey, by Mr Tebb

Art, by Mr Tebb

Computing, by Mr Tebb

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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