Our Gallery

Summer Newsletter Year 6, by Mrs Snowball

Tongue Twisters, by Mr Austin

Football with PFC, by Miss Humphreys

Year 4 studying habitats, by Mrs Snowball

Friction, by Mrs Sym

Forces, by Mrs Rodrigues

Easter egg competition, by Mrs Rodrigues

Masterchef 1S Style, by Mr Shaw

1H become TV chefs, by Miss Humphreys

Kingswood 2015, by Mrs Oldfield

Torches in 4A, by Mrs Snowball

1H Easter Egg Entries, by Miss Humphreys

R1 Easter Egg Entries, by Miss Hall

1S Egg Entries, by Mr Shaw

Easter Egg Competition Winners, by Miss Humphreys

Busy with Eggs. , by Mrs Sym

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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