: Gallery
Pizza Making, by Mrs Read
Class 3 - Explain Everything APP, by Mr Shaw
Spring Term in Reception, by Miss Keane
Sharing Space Homework- Class 4, by Miss Humphreys
Lots of shape activities, by Mrs Snowball
Class 10 -Victorian Mill Room Reconstruction, by Mrs Jones
Welcome back class 2, by Mrs Snowball
Performance Poetry Week, by Mr Myers
Designing a fair test, by Mrs Read
Sound machines, by Mrs Read
Sharing Similes - Year Two, by Mr Myers
Year 6 party, by Mrs Read
Reindeer Run!, by Mrs Read
Reindeer Run, by Miss Keane
Letters from Santa, by Mr Myers
Christmas Party, by Miss Keane
Choir -Morley Green Social Club, by Mrs Jones
Choir singing at Morley Green Social Club, by Mrs Dooley
Christmas Party Fun, by Mrs Snowball
Reindeer Fun in Reception, by Mrs Snowball
Christmas Lunch 2013, by Mr Shaw
Painting like Picasso, by Mr Myers
Our nativity visit to the local church, by Mr Myers
Our day at the farm, by Miss Keane