: Gallery
Summer 2 Week 3, by Miss Aldous
3W - Home Learning - 4th May, by Mr White
Zoom zoom, by Mr Tebb
The Night Pirates, by Miss Shallcross
Class 4J - Zoom, by Mrs Jones
Zoom Zoom Zoom!, by Miss Wortley
R1’s first Zoom Call!, by Mrs Trasler
Our First Zoom, by Miss Shallcross
Photography Competition, by Miss Aldous
French home learning KS2, by Mrs Webb
5T Home Learning w/b 27.04.20, by Mr Tebb
Home Learning 29-30.04.20, by Mr Bevan
Year 4 email letters to France, by Mrs Webb
Letters from France for Year 6!, by Mrs Webb
Photography Competition, by Mr Allaby
3W - Home Learning - 30th April, by Mr White
Zooming in!, by Mrs Megram
Learning Spots, by Mrs Megram
We “Zoomed” it!, by Miss Cooke
Name the Chicks, by Mr Allaby
Home Learning 27-28.04.20, by Mr Bevan
3W - Home Learning - 28th April, by Mr White
Summer 1 Week 2, by Mr Allaby
When a dragon moves in, by Miss Wortley
Summer 1 Week 2, by Miss Aldous