: Gallery

Model Bedrooms, by Miss Aldous

Zoom!, by Mrs Trasler

Zoom!, by Miss Shallcross

Home Learning 20.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Home Learning 19.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Summer Term Week 4, by Miss Aldous

Drawing Self-Portraits, by Miss Aldous

Home Learning 14.5.20, by Mr Bevan

The Very Busy Spider, by Miss Shallcross

Zoom Zoom Zoom, by Miss Shallcross

Class 4J - Zoom Meeting, by Mrs Jones

Home Learning 13.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Summer 1 Week 4, by Miss Aldous

Home Learning 12.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Home Learning 11.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Length and Height, by Miss Wortley

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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