: Gallery

Year 5 Zoom, by Mr Tebb

Home Learning 5.6.20, by Mr Bevan

Home Learning 4.6.20, by Mr Bevan

Home Learning 3.6.20, by Mr Bevan

Summer 2, week 1, by Miss Cooke

Summer 2 Week 1, by Miss Aldous

Home learning, by Mr Allaby

Character Descriptions, by Miss Aldous

The Snail and the Whale, by Miss Shallcross

Summer 2 - Week 1, by Miss Johnson

Monster Zoom!, by Miss Shallcross

Home Learning 2.6.20, by Mr Bevan

Jam Jar Instruments, by Miss Wortley

Home Learning 1.6.20, by Mr Bevan

Volume and Capacity, by Miss Wortley

Superworm, by Mrs Trasler

Home Learning 21.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Home Learning 18.05, by Miss Cooke

Model Bedrooms, by Miss Aldous

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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