: Gallery

Zoom drawings, by Mr Tebb

Home Learning, by Mr Allaby

Microhabitats, by Mr Allaby

The Very Hungry Caterpillar!, by Miss Shallcross

Home Learnin 6-8.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Class 4J - Zoom Meeting, by Mrs Jones

Microhabitats, by Miss Aldous

Parts of a Flower, by Miss Wortley

Zoom Meeting, by Mr Allaby

Home Learning 5.5.20, by Mr Bevan

Summer 2 Week 3, by Miss Aldous

Zoom zoom, by Mr Tebb

The Night Pirates, by Miss Shallcross

Class 4J - Zoom, by Mrs Jones

Zoom Zoom Zoom!, by Miss Wortley

R1’s first Zoom Call!, by Mrs Trasler

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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