: Gallery

Maps and globes , by Miss Cooke

PE, by Mr Bevan

How many ways can we make 7?, by Miss Shallcross

CLASS 4J -PSHE, by Mrs Jones

Firefighters visit R1, by Trasler

Sending codes , by Mr Tebb

Tens and ones , by Miss Cooke

Firefighter visit, by Miss Shallcross

Impressionist Art, by Miss Aldous

Impressionist Artists, by Mr Allaby

Photographers, by Mr Allaby

Routing around!, by Mr Allaby

Routing around!, by Miss Aldous

Improving our Partner Talk!, by Miss Wortley

Reading The News, by Mrs O'Reilly

PHSE Health and Well-being, by Mrs O'Reilly

Fairytales, by Trasler

Grouping and Sharing, by Mr Bevan

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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