: Gallery
Colour mixing, by Miss Shallcross
The 7 Continents! , by Miss Wortley
Dienes , by Miss Cooke
Christmas Dinner, by Mr Bevan
Christmas party, by Mr Bevan
Christmas Performance, by Mr Bevan
Year 3 & 4 Christmas Party, by Mrs Jones
Key Stage 1 and Reception Christmas Dinner, by Trasler
Using Switches, by Mrs Cook
Christmas Time!, by Miss Cooke
Christmas time in 1W, by Miss Wortley
2TA meet Santa!, by Miss Aldous
R1 at the Christmas party, by Trasler
Christmas time in 2RA!, by Miss Aldous
KS1 Christmas Party!, by Miss Aldous
Christmas party!, by Miss Shallcross
Baking gingerbread men, by Miss Shallcross
Christmas crafts at after school club , by Mrs Priest
Music, by Miss Aldous
Year 3W - Proudly Presenting, by Mr White
Music, by Mr Allaby
KS1 Nativity ‘A Midwife Crisis’, by Miss Aldous
Testing Materials, by Miss Wortley
All the resources! , by Miss Cooke
Reception Nativity, by Trasler