: Gallery

World War II , by Mrs Snowball

Long to reign over us, by Mr Myers

Our first weeks in 2M, by Mr Myers

First weeks in 2H! , by Miss Humphreys

We Are Juniors!, by Mrs Sym

Phases of the moon, by Mrs Snowball

Music, by Mrs Megram

Karate Club in action, by Mr Shaw

Outdoor learning , by Miss Hall

Busy busy busy in 1SC, by Mr Shaw

Synonyms, by Mr Austin

Verb tenses, by Mrs Rodrigues

Election Day 2015, by Mr Shaw

Sound, by Mr Austin

Class Rules in 3R, by Mrs Rodrigues

CLASS 5JM, by Mrs Megram

Figure it out!, by Mr White

Sharing our summer., by Mr White

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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