: Gallery

Planting Sunflowers, by Mr Shaw

Capacity, by Mrs Rodrigues

Passover, by Mrs Rodrigues

Year 1 Rounders, by Miss Gregory

Chick Cam , by Miss Hall

The Twits performed by 3R, by Mrs Rodrigues

Cross Country, by Mrs Sym

Year 2 Maths Methods, by Miss Humphreys

DEWA Roman Experience, by Mr Austin

In the French cafe, by Mrs Webb

Art Exhibition 2016, by Mr Shaw

PHSCE year 2 Friendships, by Mrs Angus

Brass Performance, by Mr Muirhead

2H become Newsround presenters, by Miss Humphreys

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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