: Gallery
Theme Week 2016 'The Euros', by Mr Muirhead
Monet Masterpieces!, by Miss Gregory
Theme Week, by Mr Austin
Football Fun!, by Mr Shaw
Les lettres sont arrivées!! , by Mrs Webb
3D shapes, by Mrs Sym
Phonics Fun!, by Miss Gregory
A Picnic Party for Miss Hall's last day! , by Miss Rowark
Marmot heads to France!, by Mrs Webb
Year 3 learn the alphabet.....in French!, by Mrs Webb
The Naughty Dinosaurs! , by Miss Rowark
Using HTML to create web pages, by Mr White
Zentangle - Art in year 6, by Mrs Snowball
Year 4 Rounders Tournament, by Mr Austin
Exploring fractions , by Miss Humphreys
Measuring a fruit juice , by Miss Humphreys
Floral art , by Miss Humphreys
Sun Safety, by Mrs Angus
Art with Mrs Chapman, by Mr Myers
Easter Eggs, by Mr Myers
Fantastic Fractions, by Mr Myers
Food to Fuel, by Miss Hall
EU Referendum, by Mrs Megram
Exploring the world , by Miss Rowark
Food for Fuel Project Year 1, by Miss Gregory