: Gallery
Christmas performance Year 3 & 4., by Miss Saven
French bears go home for Christmas! , by Mrs Webb
French rewards, by Mrs Webb
Les lettres sont arrivées!, by Mrs Webb
EYFS & KS1 Christmas Party , by Miss Rowark
R1 take on the Christmas party! , by Miss Humphreys
Christmas party , by Mrs Cook
A Wriggly Nativity, by Miss Humphreys
Investigating Air Resistance in 5M, by Mr Muirhead
Carol Service, by Dr Austin
Lessons and carols by year 5 and 6, by Mrs Snowball
Lacey Green Haka, by Dr Austin
Behind the scenes! , by Miss Hargreaves
Year 5 receive Christmas message!, by Mrs Webb
Year 4 get creative in French!, by Mrs Webb
Year 3 design a Christmas jumper in French , by Mrs Webb
Forces, by Dr Austin
I want to be a camera operator, by Dr Austin
Year Four visit to Wilmslow Methodist Church, by Mrs Rodrigues
Drama, by Dr Austin
Learning about space has been a blast!, by Miss Humphreys
Reindeer Food Instructions, by Mr Allaby
High School students teach a Spanish lesson!, by Mrs Webb
Northern lights, by Mr Allaby
Making salt dough, by Mrs Cook