: Gallery
Junk modelling , by Mrs Cook
Once upon a time a fairytale topic began in R1..., by Miss Humphreys
Science in action, by Mrs Snowball
Year 6 are enjoying their music lessons, by Mrs Snowball
Magic Bean Planting , by Miss Rowark
Fun, food and art at After School Club - Spring 1 term , by Miss Rowark
Making Thor's Hammer, by Mr Myers
Air resistance, by Dr Austin
Pushes and Pulls, by Mr White
Giving Instructions, by Mr White
Spring Newsletter Year 1, by Mr Allaby
Year 6 family descriptions, by Mrs Webb
Year 3 and "les animaux", by Mrs Webb
A Midwife Crisis - 2016 KS1 Nativity, by Mr Myers
Reception meet some animals!, by Mrs Webb
Learning about friction, by Mrs Snowball
Our Christmas Party, by Mrs Snowball
The Big Lacey Green Christmas Quiz, by Dr Austin
EYFS and KS1 Christmas Dinner, by Miss Humphreys
Christmas performance Year 3 & 4., by Miss Saven
French bears go home for Christmas! , by Mrs Webb
French rewards, by Mrs Webb
Les lettres sont arrivées!, by Mrs Webb
EYFS & KS1 Christmas Party , by Miss Rowark
R1 take on the Christmas party! , by Miss Humphreys