: Gallery
Reception enjoy an Autumn rhyme in French, by Mrs Webb
French Pen Pal project is underway!, by Mrs Webb
Stay and Play in R2, by Miss Rowark
Stay and Play in R1, by Miss Hall
Making Decisions - Conscience Alley, by Mr White
Getting to grips with 4 digit numbers, by Miss Humphreys
Sound Sources Survey -Class 4J, by Mrs Jones
Thought tracking, by Miss Cooling
Mary Berry watch out!, by Miss Hall
First team footballers unbeaten!, by Mr White
Tens and Ones Addition, by Miss Aldous
The Tiger Who Came To Tea, by Mr Allaby
Pebbleart complete!, by Mrs Webb
Lego, robots, coding and science!, by Mr Muirhead
Perfect Publishing, by Miss Cooling
After school club fun, by Miss Rowark
Out of this world character descriptions. , by Miss Humphreys
6S Enjoying PE, by Mrs Snowball
Tesco Farm to Fork visit in 1A, by Miss Rowark
Tesco Farm to Fork visit in 1H, by Miss Rowark
Tesco Farm to Fork visit in R2 , by Miss Rowark
Tesco Farm to Fork visit in R1, by Miss Hall
Bouncing up and down on a big green tractor, by Miss Hall
Little Red Hen meets Great British Bake Off , by Miss Hall