Class 4J - Sound Investigation


Pupils in Class 4J have undertaken an investigation into sound this week. They were asked to investigate muffling sound to solve a problem. The children spent time on considering how to go about solving a problem about an alarm clock that wouldn’t stop. They discussed in their science groups ways in which to lower the volume by muffling the alarm clock. They then went on to trying to work out a fair test using equipment and resources within school which could simulate muffling sound. Following discussions, the class went on to testing the muffling of the sound of a marble hitting a ceramic dish with children placing different materials inside the bowl. They used the Decibel APP to measure the sound of the marble hitting the inside of the bowl. Results were recorded for each material and discussed.

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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