: Gallery
Christmas Activities at After School Club, by Miss Rowark
Lost and Found, by Mr Allaby
Venn Diagrams, by Mr Allaby
LED Christmas Cards, by Dr Austin
Yoga in Year 6, by Mrs Snowball
Smart Lab maths in R2, by Miss Rowark
EYFS - Nativity 2017, by Mr Shaw
Preview of our Nativity... , by Miss Hargreaves
Colour Wheel Snowflakes, by Miss Cooling
Class 4J - Maths, by Mrs Jones
Stickman , by Miss Hall
Earth and Space (updated 13th December), by Dr Austin
Smoke tent, by Dr Austin
R2, 1H & 2M Christingle Service , by Miss Rowark
Further Exploration of Shapes -Class 4J , by Mrs Jones
Christmas Tree Festival , by Miss Cooling
Lost and Found , by Miss Hargreaves
Exploring 2D shapes, by Miss Humphreys
R1, 1A and 2A's Christingle Service , by Miss Hall
Exploring quadrilaterals - Class 4J, by Mrs Jones
Active sentences - describing a setting, by Mr White
Money, money, money in 3W, by Mr White
Grammar in the Great Outdoors! , by Miss Cooling
Friday in Year 6, by Mrs Snowball
This Morning, I Saw My House Yawning, by Dr Austin