: Gallery

Salt dough decorations, by Mr Allaby

Year six party, by Mrs Snowball

Infant Christmas Dinner , by Miss Rowark

KS2 Christmas Quiz!, by Miss Humphreys

Infant Christmas Party - R2, by Miss Rowark

KS1 Christmas Party , by Miss Hall

Key Stage Two Music Concert, by Miss Humphreys

Lower Key Stage 2 Party time! , by Miss Humphreys

Christmas in Year 6, by Mrs Snowball

Christmas computing!, by Miss Humphreys

Festive fun in R1, by Miss Hall

Elf on the Shelf , by Miss Hall

Christmas Biscuits , by Miss Hall

Friday Festive fun in 4H, by Miss Humphreys

Christingle 2017, by Mr Myers

Sharing is caring, by Mr Allaby

KS1 The Nativity 2017, by Mr Shaw

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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