: Gallery
Salt dough decorations, by Mr Allaby
Year six party, by Mrs Snowball
Infant Christmas Dinner , by Miss Rowark
Reception learn Christmas words in French , by Mrs Webb
Christmas crafts in French , by Mrs Webb
French certificate winners!, by Mrs Webb
Joyeux Noël to year 6!, by Mrs Webb
Christmas letters from France!, by Mrs Webb
KS2 Christmas Quiz!, by Miss Humphreys
Christmas Biscuit Making in R2 , by Miss Rowark
Infant Christmas Party - R2, by Miss Rowark
KS1 Christmas Party , by Miss Hall
Key Stage Two Music Concert, by Miss Humphreys
Infant Christmas Party - R1, by Miss Hall
Lower Key Stage 2 Party time! , by Miss Humphreys
Christmas in Year 6, by Mrs Snowball
Christmas computing!, by Miss Humphreys
Festive fun in R1, by Miss Hall
Elf on the Shelf , by Miss Hall
Christmas Biscuits , by Miss Hall
Friday Festive fun in 4H, by Miss Humphreys
Christingle 2017, by Mr Myers
Making Christmas Decorations in Year Two, by Mr Myers
Sharing is caring, by Mr Allaby
KS1 The Nativity 2017, by Mr Shaw