: Gallery
Tasting different types of Bread in EYFS , by Miss Hall
Planning and designing our puppets, by Miss Aldous
Puppets - researching and evaluating!, by Miss Aldous
Researching and evaluating existing puppets, by Mr Allaby
Taste testing in EYFS , by Miss Hall
5T Art, by Mr Tebb
Class 5J - Investigating Water Resistance, by Mrs Jones
PTA Halloween Junior Disco, by Mrs Jones
A spook-tacular KS1 Halloween disco , by Miss Hall
PC Pop Art, by Mr Allaby
Year 6 science , by Mrs O'Reilly
Investigating absorption , by Mrs Cook
Little Champions!, by Miss Aldous
Investigating absorbency , by Miss Aldous
6O designed their own burglar alarms, by Mrs O'Reilly
R1’s Trip to Wilmslow Library , by Miss Hall
Class 5J -Literacy - Expanding Our Vocabulary Choices, by Mrs Jones
Class 5J - The Royal Family, by Mrs Jones
Colour coding, by Mr Allaby
Producing Picasso, by Mr Allaby
Mastering Mondrian, by Mr Allaby
Our Timelines!, by Miss Wortley
Busy times at After School Club!, by Miss Rowark
Stop that! Year Four Try Stop Motion Animating, by Mr Myers
An author visits Year 4!, by Mrs Rodrigues