: Gallery
Room on the Broom for R2?, by Miss Rowark
Autumn Art, by Mrs Cook
Room on the Broom, by Miss Hall
Class 5J - Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, by Mrs Jones
National Roast Dinner Day , by Miss Hall
5T Science – water resistance, by Mr Tebb
5T D&T week - Moving CAM toys 2, by Mr Tebb
5T D&T week - Moving CAM toys 1, by Mr Tebb
Investigating signs of Autumn! , by Miss Wortley
5T science - parachutes, by Mr Tebb
Column Subtraction, by Miss Aldous
Remembrance Day in R2 , by Miss Rowark
CLass 5J -Literacy Vocabulary extension, by Mrs Jones
Class 5J -Investigating Water Resistance, by Mrs Jones
Remembrance Day activities in R1, by Miss Hall
Bar Modelling in 1H , by Miss Hargreaves
Bar Modelling Week in 1W!, by Miss Wortley
Super Stop Motion Animation - 4R, by Mr Myers
Super Stop Motion Animation - 4M, by Mr Myers
Exploring books by Julia Donaldson , by Miss Hall
CLASS 5J - Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000, by Mrs Jones
Column Addition, by Mr Allaby
The Dragon Machine, by Mr Allaby
Design and Technology week in 1H! , by Miss Hargreaves