: Gallery
Food Tasting in R1, by Mrs Trasler
6W - Fruit Kebab, by Mr White
Fruit Kebab making, tasting and evaluating., by Miss Johnson
Veggie tasting, chopping and weighing., by Miss Johnson
World Wonders, by Miss Johnson
Fruit Kebabs in R2, by Miss Rowark
Food tasting in R2, by Miss Rowark
Creating in After school Club, by Miss Rowark
Healthy eating and vegetable tasting!, by Miss Aldous
Fruit kebab making, tasting and evaluating!, by Miss Aldous
DT and PE Week, by Miss Shallcross
Fruit Kebab Making, by Miss Cooke
Class 4J- Relay Racing, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Farm to Fork lesson, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- 6 a Day Challenge, by Mrs Jones
R1 and The Chicks, by Mrs Trasler
1C Fractions, by Miss Cooke
Looking after plants, by Miss Shallcross
Class 4J- Computing, by Mrs Jones
Boat Making in R1, by Mrs Trasler
Meet the chicks, by Miss Rowark
Boat making in R2, by Miss Rowark
Wonders of the World, by Miss Aldous
Sharing, by Miss Cooke
Hockey, by Miss Shallcross