: Gallery
Spring term in 2M, by Miss Marr
2W kicking off DT week, by Mrs Cook
2W Archery taster session, by Mrs Cook
Division - Sharing and Grouping!, by Miss Wortley
Class 4J - Controlling Robots, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- PSHE- Responding to Others, by Mrs Jones
Year 4- Maths, by Mrs Jones
PE: Rounders, by Mr Jenkins
Mother, by Miss Shallcross
Holidays: Past and Present, by Miss Wortley
Grandad's Island, by Miss Wortley
We are photographers!, by Miss Wortley
Coke and Mentos experiment, by Miss Shallcross
Measuring in 1P, by Mrs Cook
Year 6 Science - Light, by Mr White
Computing - we are cryptographers, by Mr Bevan
Story writing, by Miss Cooke
Lacrosse in 4Z, by Miss Zwanepoel
A trip to the dentist in 4Z!, by Miss Zwanepoel
Class 4J- Types of Teeth, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Science, by Mrs Jones
Reception Parachute, by Miss Shallcross
Making dinosaurs, by Miss Shallcross
1C Measuring with cubes, by Mrs Cook
Multiplication!, by Miss Wortley