: Gallery
World Book Day Costumes 2014, by Mr Myers
World Book Day 2014, by Mr Muirhead
Nature Walks, by Miss Keane
Air resistance , by Mrs Read
Pirates- Class 4, by Miss Humphreys
Welcome Back Class 2, by Mrs Snowball
Class 10 -Victorian Schooling reconstruction 2, by Mrs Jones
Fractions, by Miss Littlechild
Planning our Antarctica documentary, by Mr Muirhead
Materials with Mr Leigh, by Mr Myers
Relaxing in the playground, by Mr Myers
What's that coming over the hill?, by Mr Myers
The Reindeer Run, by Mr Myers
Christmas Parties, by Mr Myers
Music lessons, by Mrs Rodrigues
Maths in Class 4- Spring Term, by Miss Humphreys
Christmas Performances, by Mr Myers
Volcanic eruption, by Mrs Rodrigues
Gymnastics, by Mrs Rodrigues
Halfway through Reception, by Mrs Snowball
Volcanoes, by Mrs Rodrigues
Cracking Christmas Hats, by Mr Myers
Christmas Tree Decorations, by Mr Myers
PFC Sports Coaching - Class 4, by Miss Humphreys
Our Puppet Afternoon, by Miss Littlechild