: Gallery
Lost & Found , by Miss Cooke
3W - Marvellous Mirrors, by Mr White
Year 3W - Proudly Presenting, by Mr White
Base 10, by Mr Allaby
Show it, prove it!, by Mr Allaby
Poppies!, by Miss Shallcross
Practical representations in Maths, by Mr Myers
We are learning about the number 4!, by Miss Shallcross
Editing and Improving!, by Miss Wortley
Computer programmers, by Mr Allaby
Observing signs of Autumn , by Miss Wortley
R1’s potion lab, by Trasler
Year 3W - Proudly Presenting, by Mr White
Bar modelling , by Miss Cooke
Potions and spells!, by Miss Shallcross
Class 4J- Maths Representations of Adding using Exchange, by Mrs Jones
Have you lost a penguin? , by Miss Wortley
DT Week, by Miss Cooke
R1’s Tractor visit, by Trasler
R2 have a visit from a tractor!, by Miss Shallcross
D&T Showcase, by Mr Allaby
Completed Light Sources, by Mr Myers
Year 3W - Proudly Presenting, by Mr White
Year 3W - DT Showcase, by Mr White