: Gallery

Cake making in R1, by Miss Rowark

Art in 2C, by Miss Cotterill

R1's Tractor Visit & Hens, by Miss Rowark

R2 Tractor Visit, by Mrs Cook

Word Problems, by Miss Lawden

Computing time!, by Miss Cotterill

The Creation Story, by Miss Moxon

Patrick Ness Visit, by Mr Bevan

Robinwood Day 3, by Mrs Jones

Stay & Play in R1, by Miss Rowark

Robinwood Day 2, by Mrs Jones

Manic maths., by Mrs Harvey

The Spaghetti Challenge!, by Mrs Harvey

Resilience building, by Mrs Harvey

Year 4 Robinwood Day 1, by Mrs Jones

Hockey, by Mrs Field

Computing, by Mrs Field

Measuring in R1, by Miss Rowark

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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