: Gallery

Eggs!, by Miss Rowark

Library visit with Year 6, by Miss Rowark

29.2.24 - 1.3.24, by Miss Roberts

Year 4 - Maths, by Mrs Jones

5E English, by Miss Edwards

Comparing Animals, by Mrs Griffin

RE - Islam, by Mr Tebb

Manchester Museum, by Mr Tebb

Making numbers to 50, by Mrs Griffin

Clay Love Hearts, by Miss Lawden

6W - Lacrosse, by Mr White

A Fantastic week in R2, by Mrs Trasler

A busy week in R1, by Miss Rowark

Food tasting, by Mrs Harvey

PE - Hakka, by Mr Bevan

Clay Love Hearts, by Mrs Griffin

Object Manipulation in PE, by Mrs Trasler

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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