: Gallery
Whoops a Daisy Angel 2013, by Mrs Dooley
Practising for the Nativity, by Mrs Snowball
Doctor Who Week, by Mr Myers
PTA Christmas Fair, by Mrs Dooley
Foraging in the outdoors, by Mrs Snowball
The Christingle, by Mrs Snowball
Christingle 2013, by Mrs Dooley
Constructing Tudor houses from nets of 3D shapes, by Mrs Busen
Food technology, by Mrs Read
Choir -Handforth Dean, by Mrs Jones
Styal Mill reconstruction, by Mrs Jones
Welly Walk!, by Miss Keane
What did we find on the playing field?, by Mrs Snowball
Making a Lighthouse, by Miss Humphreys
Styal Mill visit by class 10, by Ms Berger
Electricity, by Miss Littlechild
Bike Baron Recounts, by Mr Muirhead
Stay and Play in Reception, by Mrs Snowball
Stay and Play!, by Miss Keane
Class Six Crave Classical, by Mr Myers
Fabulous 3D shapes, by Mr Myers
Class 7 Roman videos, by Mrs Rodrigues
The Roman Army's newest recruits!, by Mrs Rodrigues
Class Seven visit Roman Dewa (Chester), by Mrs Rodrigues
Harvest Poem, by Mrs Rodrigues