: Gallery

Year 6 science , by Mrs O'Reilly

Little Champions!, by Miss Aldous

Investigating absorbency , by Miss Aldous

Colour coding, by Mr Allaby

Producing Picasso, by Mr Allaby

Mastering Mondrian, by Mr Allaby

Our Timelines!, by Miss Wortley

An author visits Year 4!, by Mrs Rodrigues

Sound, by Mrs Rodrigues

Sounds like Science, by Mr Myers

PE in Year 4, by Mrs Rodrigues

Learning to play the Ukulele, by Mrs Rodrigues

Ready, steady Recycle!, by Miss Aldous

EYFS to the rescue , by Miss Hall

Sorting materials, by Mrs Cook

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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