: Gallery
Class 4J- Coronation Celebrations, by Mrs Jones
Art in Year 1, by Miss Cooke
3M celebrates the King's Coronation, by Miss Manfredi
6W - Coronation celebration, by Mr White
Coronation picnic, by Mr Bevan
Year 2 celebrate the King, by Miss Wortley
Coronation celebrations!, by Miss Marr
Garage Band - 1C, by Miss Cooke
Year 6 Geography - Census Statistics, by Mr Burke
Class 4J- Science, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Maths, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Writing, by Mrs Jones
Editing and enhancing photos in Computing, by Miss Marr
Editing Photos in Computing, by Miss Wortley
Science Investigation- Pushes and Pulls- 3M, by Miss Manfredi
Magnetism in 3M!, by Miss Manfredi
Continents and Oceans of the World!, by Miss Wortley
The Journey - 4Z, by Miss Zwanepoel
Early Geography - Map making, by Miss Atkinson
Year 6 - Electricity - Testing Circuits, by Mr White
Safari Explorers, by Mrs Parker
R1 Gardening, by Miss Shallcross
Computing- Robot Mice, by Mr Jenkins
Class 4J - Science, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J- Writing Unit- , by Mrs Jones