: Gallery

Bar charts in computing, by Mrs Fesmer

Year 4 Maths - Decimals, by Mrs Jones

Bug Hunting in R2, by Mrs Trasler

R1 visit Bewilderwood, by Miss Rowark

R2 Trip to Bewilderwood, by Mrs Trasler

6W - Science Visitors, by Mr White

Sound, by Mrs Harvey

Science visitors, by Miss Lawden

PE Orienteering, by Miss Zwanepoel

Science visitors!, by Mrs Griffin

Lego WeDo, by Miss Zwanepoel

Exploring plants, by Miss Zwanepoel

Exploring plants, by Miss Zwanepoel

Gymnastics in R1, by Miss Rowark

Bug Hunts in R1, by Miss Rowark

UkS2 Science Presentations, by Miss Edwards

Volume and Capacity, by Mrs Fesmer

4J String Telephones, by Mrs Cook

Super Sentences, by Mrs Harvey

Class 4J - Dialogue, by Mrs Jones

Please get in touch
Lacey Green Primary Academy
Barlow Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 4DP

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