: Gallery
Our Houses in R2, by Miss Rowark
Class 4J - Home Learning - Music, by Mrs Jones
Making Houses, by Mrs Trasler
Paper planes, by Miss Cooke
Balancing!, by Miss Cooke
Investigating Rocks, by Mr Bevan
Comparing Numbers, by Mr Bevan
Year 6 - Sports Captains Speeches, by Mr White
Numbers, Numbers, Numbers!, by Miss Wortley
Wonderful writing in Year 1!, by Miss Wortley
Investigating parachutes, by Mr Tebb
Reception have fun with the water!, by Mrs Trasler
Head Boy and Head Girl Speeches, by Mr White
Bikeability in Year 6, by Mr White
English Fun!, by Miss Johnson
Place Value, by Miss Johnson
Exploring new vocabulary, by Miss Aldous
Our first week back, by Miss Johnson
Writing, by Miss Cooke
Hot potato!, by Miss Wortley
Investigating Settings For Narrative Writing, by Mr Bevan
Place Value, by Mr Allaby
Class 4J - Maths Representations, by Mrs Jones
Number Hunt!, by Miss Wortley
Class 4J - First Ukulele Lesson, by Mrs Jones