: Gallery
Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins
Shape Detectives in R2, by Miss Rowark
PSHE Belonging, by Miss Shallcross
Subtraction by crossing out, by Miss Cooke
Nature Sculptures, by Miss Johnson
Bog Baby, by Miss Johnson
Exploring Materials, by Miss Johnson
Nature Sculptures, by Miss Aldous
Bog Baby!, by Miss Aldous
Exploring materials, by Miss Aldous
Remembrance and Diwali, by Mrs Trasler
Superstars of the Week, by Mr Jenkins
English - Seen and Not Heard book talk, by Mr Bevan
Taste test, by Miss Cooke
Scratch, by Mr Tebb
Scratch, by Mr Tebb
Virtual assembly, by Mr Tebb
Friction, by Mr Tebb
Friction, by Mr Tebb
Investigating parachutes, by Mr Tebb
Parachutes, by Mr Tebb
Subtraction, by Miss Shallcross
Class 4J - Bonfire Night Safety, by Mrs Jones
Class 4J - Dance, by Mrs Jones
Attributes and sets of objects, by Mrs Trasler