: Gallery
Andy Goldsworthy inspired art, by Miss Johnson
Black History Month, by Miss Johnson
Looking at places we go often, by Miss Shallcross
PSHE: School Council Presentation, by Miss McDonald
Rocks, Soils and Fossils, by Miss McDonald
R.E: Islam, by Miss McDonald
English, by Miss McDonald
Balancing, by Miss Cooke
Year 5 RE Hinduism, by Mr Burke
Year 6 Bravery Awards, by Mr White
Little Red Hen, her friend and R2..., by Miss Rowark
R1 Making Bread, by Mrs Trasler
Halloween art work, by Miss Rowark
R2 are making bread, by Miss Rowark
The Creation Story, by Miss Shallcross
R1 and the hens, by Mrs Trasler
Place Value, by Miss McDonald
Digital Literacy, by Miss McDonald
Hockey, by Miss McDonald
English, by Miss McDonald
Taking turns, by Miss Shallcross
6W - New Class Novel, by Mr White
Harvest Festival, by Mr White
Year 4 take a road trip, by Mrs Cook
Class 4J - Music, by Mrs Jones